Greenwich Kiddies Investment

G–Kiddies is designed for the children of the employees of companies and multinationals. The product is targeted at the children of the employees between the ages of 0–11. It is a convenient way of saving for the child whereby the invested funds can be used for his or her education and other needs.

Product Features

  • The return on investment is 10% per annum.
  • The plan is targeted at children between the ages of 0-11.
  • Interest is earned daily with accrued interest paid at the anniversary of each investment into the client’s designated account. There is an option to reinvest interest payable at the discretion of the investor.
  • All investors are entitled to quarterly statements and are given online access to view their investments at their own convenience. Investors are also entitled to quarterly newsletters with information on wealth management.

Benefits of G-Kiddies

  • Standing order for payment of school fees.
  • Trendy gifts for children at birthdays.
  • Assist in the sourcing of secondary education for the child.