Private Trust Icon

Private Trust

We offer private trust services to our clients with a focus on professional wealth management, wealth preservation, and investor services—assets are acquired or eliminated in accordance with the clients’ wishes.

Services include: will trusteeship/executorship, administration of estates, living trust, child education trust, and general estate planning.

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Public Trust

We act as trustees to states raising capital through bonds. Apart from managing the sinking funds to ensure coupon/principal payments to bond investors, we also provide other oversight functions of ensuring compliance to the trust deed by issuers.

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Corporate Trust Icon

Corporate Trust

We act as trustees to companies seeking financing from multiple banks or the public. We draw up and perfect the necessary security documentation and provide other oversight functions of ensuring compliance to trust deeds and default handling.

We also act as trustees to collective investment schemes by ensuring that fund managers comply with the trust deed and other relevant regulations.

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Wealth Management

We manage funds for our clients with a focus on wealth preservation and maximization in line with their respective risk appetites.

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Wealth Managment Icon
Agency Services Icon

Agency Services

As the escrow agency, we act on behalf of two or more parties involved in a business transaction to hold escrow assets until certain conditions are met or obligations are satisfied.

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